Summer solstice, summer drowning. I'm sure Noah is hiding round here somewhere with this glorious weather we're having!!! Good job I made the most of our one day of summer last Tuesday. So here's the story.
Arran is right on the doorstep and it's been way too long since I last was there. To be honest, the only times I've been there have been to get into the hills so the rest of the island is still pretty much a mystery to me. No hills this visit, I was going to be on my bike. Many cyclists aim on a visit to Arran is to go all the way round the island but at nearly 60 miles and with some significant climbs that are way beyond what I'd be capable of doing. My aim was to get to Lochranza, Stage 1 of a future plan. The ferry over was fairly busy which was nice to see. I took advantage of the onboard cafe. Yah for a square sliced in a roll. Soon enough we were at Brodick and we were off.
Goat Fell from Brodick |
This north east stretch of Arran's coast is familiar ground to me but the views I'll never tire of. On my left Goat Fell is ever present soon giving way to its other mountain neighbours as you continue north. On my right there are lovely rock pools, bays and harbours. Food for my soul. Then comes the hard work - the climb up the Boguillie Road. I knew it was beyond me but I gave it a bash. Surprise surprise, my knee didn't like it. I sat myself down and enjoyed the view before slowly walking up the rest of the hill. The ride down Glen Chalamadale is an adrenalin junkies dream but for a fearty like me it was quite daunting. Before too long The Arran Distillery soon comes into view, I had reached Lochranza. Time for lunch.
Goat Fell from Corrie |
Corrie Harbour and it's sheep |
Looking into Glen Sannox |
North Glen Sannox |
Boguillie Road |
Fortified by a fantastic buttie from The Sandwich Station it was time t head back if I wanted to make the 1640 ferry. It was then that one of the other cyclists I'd met on the ferry over. He'd quite enjoyed his circuit so far. I let him go ahead as I knew I'd be walking back up the Glen. I'm sure the motorists who passed me must have wondered what I was on as I was singing at the top of my voice, you gotta love AC DC for keeping you going.
Lochranza Bay with the castle |
Glen Chalmadale and that never ending climb |
What I had forgotten about was the head wind that was ever strengthening. It was sapping. I made it to the ferry. First stop was the cafe to purchase items supporting the local economy. Bliss.
Well it was a great day out but I did push it, something my knee wasn't too happy about. The rest of the ticky tour plan will have to wait, probably a good job seeing as the weather isn't looking to improve anytime soon. Ah well, I'll just have to continue to dream and plod on.
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