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Steall Falls

We'd had much discussion about what to do this weekend though one thing was certain, we had to end up at The Real Food Cafe as they were going to be closed for 2 1/2 weeks and we hadn't had our New Year fix yet. We'd thought of doing Ben Oss & Beinn Dubhcraig but the thought of battling through deep powder snow was not really grabbing me.

I'd heard that Steall Falls had frozen and someone from UK Climbing had put up a really good video of them going up it - this I had to see. A wee daytrip up to Glen Nevis :-) I have to admit that the wander out to Steall has usually been reserved as a bad weather low level day out and seeing the Falls in spate is pretty spectacular as you can see in this photo.

It was always going to be a nice wee day oot as the views from the drive up were going to be fantastic too.

When we got to Fort William, the first part of the Glen Nevis road had been gritted so no major issues getting along to the Lower Falls car park where we found this sign.

As we wandered along the road we saw others had started taking their vehicles along but they were parking in passing places. It wasn't too bad, nice compacted snow, certainly easy enough to walk on. Just as we were approaching the top car park we spotted a deer digging in the snow for food. It must have been really hungry as we managed to get really close.

The Glen Nevis path is always entertaining whatever the weather but adding a layer of compacted snow and ice takes it up a level. Its nothing technically difficult but a slip in the wrong place could have serious consequences. Time for the wonderful Kahtoola Microspikes, more on them later. Before we knew it we were at the spot where you get your first glimpse of the falls. What a contrast to the last time I'd been there. Let the pictures tell the story.

It was certainly worth it and so was the fish supper. Thank you Sarah & staff for great food and service as always.


  1. Aye, that looks awfy nice!

  2. Cracking pics. Would love to be up there myself, but this is a good substitute...

  3. Yet another sight that will live long in my memory and make me smile


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